Md5Decrypt API

How does it work?

The API provided on this page gives you access to our database for your applications. offers you free use of its API to query the database from your own site or locally. However, to prevent server overload, the number of requests is limited to 100 per account per day. For more extensive use, you can purchase a premium code tailored to your needs. The code you receive after payment allows unlimited access to our database for the selected duration.

To start using the API, enter your email address in the field below to receive your access code by email (remember to check your spam folder):

Unlimited API

If you want to use the API without limitations, you can purchase a premium code. The Paypal buttons below allow you to choose between a specific number of hashes for unlimited time or a specific time during which you can use the database without restrictions. After the payment is made, you will receive your premium code via email, to the address used for the Paypal payment:

Buy hashes - Crack rate to date: 58.15%
- Decrypt your hashes whenever you want
Buy time - Crack rate to date: 58.15%
- Unlimited decryption during the purchased time

Usage examples

To use the API, simply call the api.php page with your hash (or hashes), the hash type (which must be supported by, and your API key. Below is an example call (in PHP):

$hash = "5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99";
$hash_type = "md5";
$key = "0123456789";
$response = file_get_contents("".$hash."&hash_type=".$hash_type."&code=".$key);
echo $response;

The above code is used to decrypt a hash. If you want to encrypt a hash, you need to use the following code (still in PHP):

$word = "password";
$hash_type = "md5";
$response = file_get_contents("".$word."&hash_type=".$hash_type."&code=".$key);
echo $response;

As you can see, the variables to provide are as follows:

- Your hash or hashes. If you have multiple hashes in your request, separate them with semicolons (';'). The responses will then be returned as "response1;response2;response3....responseN;" (if you do not specify the optional 'separator' variable). You can then parse the result with an explode, for example (in PHP).
- A word to encrypt, specify the hash type in the hash_type variable.
- The hash type in your request. For now, it is not possible to request multiple types of hashes in the same request; I will integrate this later. The possible values are md4, md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512, and ntlm. Everything must be in lowercase.
- This is the personal code that was sent to you by email. It must correspond to the email address you provided during your registration.
- Optional variable to allow you to format the output; the responses will be separated by what you put in (by default, it is a semicolon).

Error codes?

The arguments are to be passed in GET (in the URL) or POST if you prefer. However, it is important that all arguments are called in the same way (either GET or POST).
The variable $response will return the response from the database or nothing if the hash is not in our database. Several error codes are in place to help you debug your codes:

- You have exceeded the allowed 100 free requests.
- There is an error in your API key.
- Your request contains more than 400 hashes.
- The hash type in the $hash_type variable is incorrect. This variable must be in lowercase.
- The provided hash does not match the given hash type.
- There is a missing argument in your request, or you have misspelled one of them.
- Your premium account has expired. To continue using your premium account, you need to buy more time or hashes.

For further questions, contact me via the contact page. I may have forgotten some information; if so, I will add it gradually.